Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes how PDF generator applications ("PDF Generator Scanner & Viewer", "we", "we" or "we") mobile applications store your documents, and how we collect and use the personal information you provide. It also describes your choices regarding our use of your personal information and how you access and update it.

1. Location service

We do not request, collect, or access your location information.

2. File location

All documents are stored on your device and will never be sent to any third party unless you explicitly convert them to other formats and export them to other applications or devices.

3. Collection and use of personal information

We collect the following personal information from you:

We use this information:

Information obtained from third parties

4. Share your information

We will only share your information with third parties in the way described in this privacy statement. We may disclose your personal information

  • According to legal requirements, such as complying with subpoenas or similar legal procedures.
  • When we sincerely believe that the disclosure of information is necessary to protect our rights, protect your or others' security, investigate fraud or respond to government requests.
  • If the PDF Generator application involves the merger, acquisition or sale of all or part of its assets, you will notify you of any changes in the ownership or use of your personal information and any choices you make about your personal information through email and/or a prominent notice on our website.
  • Disclosure to any other third party with your prior consent.